Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are you there?

Joy. Love. Joy. Challenges. Joy. Sadness. Joy. Peace. Joy. War. Joy. Blessings. Joy.

Time rolls on. Life rolls on. Where are we going? Where have we been? How are we going to make the most of our journey here? We are all given gifts, blessings, joy, love, struggles, challenges, sadness, and pain. Everything we are given is to guide us in our journey; to help bring us closer to and discover ourselves, others, and the secrets and wonders of our universe. We just need to open ourselves up and create a vessel for all the blessings, revealed and concealed, to flow into.

Cherish every moment. Let the petty things fall to the wayside because they will not join you in your times of joy, they will not comfort you in your times of sadness and they will not bring you closer to the people you love. Embrace meaning, depth, and truth in your life because it will bring joy into your life, it will lift you up when you are sad, and it will authentically connect you to the people around you.

Life is there. The Joy is there. The Love is there. The Blessings are there.

Are you there?


Anonymous said...

really really REALLY nice, raiz.

Anonymous said...

uncle ed and I just read your blog and it moved both of us. it is brilliant and compassionate and loving and deeply spiritual and magnificently written.

Anonymous said...

yishar koach raiz! :)
your blogs always give me an infusion of simcha, clarity and deeper thought-- thank you!
much love,
p.s. i'm working on being "there" more often ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link- I thought this line was profound and inspiring...

"Let the petty things fall to the wayside because they will not join you in your times of joy, they will not comfort you in your times of sadness and they will not bring you closer to the people you love."

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful and uplifting; having me to not forget that the essence of our lives is joy even though its easy to lose focus of that at times- and that we have the gift of bringing simcha to others, and
thank you for inspiring me :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

makes me think, wonder, want, connect, learn, and mmmm
AND miss you.

I must catch up on your blog. one day, one day.

be well dear. And get yourself over here already!

randomly ranting maidel said...

I like how you ended it. Challenging. The truth is that it seems very easy but its not. It is a huge challenge to 'be there' as you put it and to see all the joy love and life. It takes a lifetime to cultivate that awareness. It spirals with suffering and hard work to then reach that new level of joy and understanding of ourselves and G-d and then we go through it again and again, Beezrat Hashem.

Hatzlacha, Bracha, & always Simcha