Friday, August 08, 2008

Redemption is Near

Where is my father?

I cannot see him.

He has gone away.

But wait.

There is a glimmer in the distance.

The scent of a rose.

The laughter of children.

The joy of newlyweds.

The chirp of a bird.

The miracle of a newborn.

and then.

A Jew extends himself for another.

A smile is sent across the room.

Two friends make peace.

A child respects his parent.

She helps an old man cross the street.

He comforts an ailing friend.

She calls a lonely woman.

He gives strength to a struggling soul.

She opens her home to those in need.

He prays for a soldier's welfare.

and then.

My father comes closer.

There is hope in the future.

The redemption is near.

1 comment:

randomly ranting maidel said...

I love how you can make Jewish concepts not sound queer in poetry! Some people are just not capable of doing that, but you have the talent! Share it with the world, its beautiful!