Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I'm Almost There, My King

*A response to R' Simon Jacobson's 8th day in the 60 day journey through Elul and Tishrei.

He is in the field.

He is waiting for me to open the screen door and run in to His arms,

to speak to Him,

or at least give Him a little wave, make eye contact-something.

My King is waiting, He is knocking on my door calling out my name.

The blessings are imminent, "Just ask," He says.

The veil has been lifted it is just Him and I.

He wants to give. His love is real. His love is now.

He just wants acknowledgment. "Bring me into your life," He says. "I want to be involved."

I opened the door, peered through the screen and saw His form standing amidst my shrubs.

I cracked open the screen door and saw an arm waving.

I gingerly stepped outside and saw a smiling face beckoning with love.

"I know I've been distant," I said. "But I'm coming back to you."

"Please don't leave," I said softly, "I am mending a broken heart."

My King stood there offering comfort, catching my tears. "I am here forever and always," He said. "I will await your return, my precious one."

He stands right outside my door, His hand extended, His blessings abundant.

Where will I go?

How long will it take me to get there?

My King is so patient.

My King accepts my flaws.

My King lets me be me.

My King just wants my love in return.

But I have been wounded and I need time to heal.

I open the screen door, smile and give a wave.

"I'm almost there," I whisper, "I'm almost there, My King."


Anonymous said...

it makes me feel very calm- and wheeeeennn did you make a blog, and whyyyyy did you wait so long to tell me hmmm?!- hudisls

Fajita said...

My King lets me be me.

It's amazing how amazing that is...


and toda for writing..

Anonymous said...

Hey Raizel!! your stuff's great! seriously, you really have talent - shkoyach for letting me in on some of it!

Daniel B. said...

Your blog is beautiful. You are quite a writer/expresser of feelings. Your Elul poetry is really beautiful too. Its been a long time since I have connected to Elul in that way. Thanks for taking me back.

Ema said...

That’s really beautiful sweetheart. I can relate to the conflict between the hesitation to ask G-d for help and the wanting to ask.