Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ever Elusive Emotions

*I just watched 'Across the Universe' and so many of the struggles of apathy, radicalism, war, hate etc... resonated within me because of what is going on in the world today. In Israel, in Darfur, in Iraq and unfortunately the list goes on and on. But no matter how sad and tragic it is, it is a constant struggle to really internalize what is going on and even more so internalize it enough to act. But to what extent do we need to?

We try to sympathize

We try to feel their pain

But until there are bombs in our backyard

We don’t get it

Until our children our kidnapped

We don’t act as fast

Until our homes our taken away

We don’t feel their shivers

Until our families are ripped apart

We can’t know how to respond

We are only human

We feel pain

We feel sadness

We experience the tragedy

But only when it’s knocking at our door

And even when it’s knocking on our door

Can we truly respond?

Can we muster the strength

Can we help heal?

Can we provide support?

Can we provide love?

Can we provide courage?

How can we truly understand someone else’s pain if we’ve never experienced it ourselves?

And do we need to?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One language from Kabul to NYC

I felt as though I was reading the story of my life. I was not born in Afghanistan to a rich family, nor am I the only child of a widower, and nor have I committed a crime, but the tale of The Kite Runner is not bound to the factual details of time, place and characters. Rather, this powerful novel transcends the physical details of life and speaks of the human story; it speaks of deep loss and pain, of immense joy, of fond memories, of yearning for the comfort of the familiar. It describes a place of happiness, peace and safety, and tells a story of moving on, of hiding, of feeling like a burden. Most importantly it shows the power of self-redemption; of freeing yourself from pain long past and surging forward, of reaching your potential and living your dreams, of finding the strength you never knew you had and letting it take you to a new place in life.

The story of humanity is universal and is embedded in every person, in every soul. The face may look different, the country may have a different name, and you may call your mother by a different euphemism, but that's all it is; a euphemism.

Amidst our visual differences lies a human soul, a human spirit, and a human psyche that has experienced joy, pain, loss, suffering, challenges, happiness, ecstasy, peace, turmoil, humility, embarrassment, shame, guilt, loneliness, misery, depression, sadness, goodness, times of plenty and times of lacking, spirituality, anger, rebellion and much, much more.

So when you meet another person, don't be fooled by the language they speak or the clothing that they wear, because underneath it all you are both speaking the same language; the language of the human experience, the language of the soul.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are you there?

Joy. Love. Joy. Challenges. Joy. Sadness. Joy. Peace. Joy. War. Joy. Blessings. Joy.

Time rolls on. Life rolls on. Where are we going? Where have we been? How are we going to make the most of our journey here? We are all given gifts, blessings, joy, love, struggles, challenges, sadness, and pain. Everything we are given is to guide us in our journey; to help bring us closer to and discover ourselves, others, and the secrets and wonders of our universe. We just need to open ourselves up and create a vessel for all the blessings, revealed and concealed, to flow into.

Cherish every moment. Let the petty things fall to the wayside because they will not join you in your times of joy, they will not comfort you in your times of sadness and they will not bring you closer to the people you love. Embrace meaning, depth, and truth in your life because it will bring joy into your life, it will lift you up when you are sad, and it will authentically connect you to the people around you.

Life is there. The Joy is there. The Love is there. The Blessings are there.

Are you there?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Soul Revival

* I don't recall why or when I wrote this, but I found it tonight while I was searching for a piece of writing to comfort my soul. I was feeling the reality of all the losses I have experienced in my life and feeling an intense but calm sadness. I know that everyone experiences pain, difficulties, and loss in their life at some point (some more than others) so I am posting this in the hope that it helps you retain your sense of hope and provides even a glimmer of light during a dark time. With much love and blessings I wish you all a life of both internal and external peace.

There will be times when the world will seem overwhelming and there will be times when the world seems frightening and there will be times when you will feel like you are alone amidst a sea of fragmented lives. 

But know that those times will be followed with a spark of light, a glimmer of hope, opportunities will arise and love and kindness will find its way to you. 

Even when you are in the depths of darkness, desperately groping to find a hand, there will be one soon. You just have to keep feeling, keep your eyes alert and your heart open to the possibility. 

You must retain your hope. 

Because, I promise, the joy will come, the peace will come, the love will come, and the kindness will come. 

Please wait for it. Do not give way to the heaviness in your heart and soul. Life has a way of reviving the tongues of those whose lives seem to be filled with sorrow. 

Please don’t let your body give way to the desperate temptation of the sleep in the hours of the sun-filled hallway of potential. 

Arise and greet the petals of hope and blessings that flutter in the wind of our day. 

Goodness awaits you at every corner. Open the door and greet it with peace.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Miracle on the Hudson

It was a miracle on the Hudson.

There is no other explanation for it.

155 people survived a crash landing in the Hudson river.

Everything that could go right in an emergency landing went right, nothing failed. There was a clear space on the Hudson for the plane to rest, the heroic and courageous pilot landed the plane perfectly, the fuel tanks didn't rupture allowing the plane to remain buoyant even as it filled up with water, the remarkable crew and passengers worked together to get everyone off the plane safely and in an orderly manner, and the rescue teams arrived immediately and were able to get everyone to safety within minutes.

The pieces lined up like a slightly scratched up jigsaw puzzle. It was the perfect ending to an American drama, and all the news stations marveled at the incredible stream of coincidences that avoided a tragedy.

A day that could have gone down as a day of mourning, will now be celebrated as day of rejoicing.

We were blessed to see a miracle.

A man who was sitting next to the engine that blew was asked what happened on the plane and what people were doing. In response he answered, "To be honest, everyone was saying prayers."

'They' say there is no atheist in a foxhole. I think 'they' are right.

When a fellow passenger told him no one had died in the crash, a man sauntering off the M98 Limited bus shook his head, waved his newspaper and exclaimed, "There is a God!"

Governer Patterson has coined this incredible event as, "Miracle on the Hudson." But let's not forget that this is a revealed miracle that were blessed to witness.

Let's not forget that every day we are witness to hundreds of miracles in just our little lives. Let's not forget that every day that we wake up breathing and in good health, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that every day that we wake up to someone we love, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that every day that when we wake up and have a job to go to, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that every day that we can hear the sound of the cars driving by and see the rain falling from the sky, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that every day that we have another opportunity to smile and do good things in the world, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that everyday that we have a chance to call someone and say hello, that too is a miracle.
Let's not forget that everyday that we can cross the street safely, and get a steaming, warm cup of coffee from Starbucks, that too is a miracle.

Every moment of every day miracles abound. We just need to be more attune to them.

A miraculous plane crash may jolt us to be awed for a day or two, but when our inspiration passes how will we maintain our appreciation for the gift of life?

Connect to each moment. Remember it is precious. Remember that there is meaning to every moment of every day. Remember to count your blessings. Remember to open your eyes. Remember that the world is a beautiful place.

Remember, miracles do happen.

After all, there IS a God.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Life is Beautiful

I'm just looking for a little inspiration, a little meaning in my life.

I go from night to day, day to night, trying to find that surge of meaning out of something that doesn't have inherent meaning. Trying to connect to people I don't have an inherent connection with.

But life's a journey, it's a process. Not a destination.

I spoke with my soul sista' tonight and, as usual, we were on were on the same journey, just different details. We connected, we shared our struggles, our feelings of emptiness, of no motivation, of not caring.

"But Raiz, its from these phases that real determination to GET THERE sprouts. That's how I feel...just got to get up and move," She said, emphatically.

Just get up and move.

Just get up and move.

So we plan. How will I move? Where will she go?

And then Matisyahu raps from my computer, "Exaltation my G-d of salvation..."


"So high, so low, I don't know where but we've got to go there.."

Just get up and move.

Just get up and move.

Life is not a destination, it's a journey.

Life IS up's and life is downs.

Life IS conflict.

Life IS struggle.

But you gotta keep moving.

Stay connected to your journey.


Life IS also Beautiful.